Eric Melin

My list, of course, had Fast Times at Ridgemont High at number one, and even today, five years after writing the list, I stand by that ranking. Here is my list of the Top 10 School Life Movies.

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Cosmopolis falls squarely in the “experimental unadaptable mindfuck” category of Crash (based on the J.G. Ballard book, not that abysmal Best Picture winner) and Naked Lunch (based on William S. Burroughs’ groundbreaking free-form novel).

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As unassuming as Weekend is, it’s also surprisingly powerful in that it creeps up on you. The dialogue is natural, the sex scenes are tender, and the camera never gets in the way of the story.

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Two movies new out on Blu-ray and DVD are being marketed as adult dramas, but one is just a little more adult than the other.

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‘Premium Rush’ is the ‘Top Gun’ of bike messenger films, because, like the rebellious fighter pilots of that iconic movie, it glorifies a specific societal subset — they have their own subculture and even hang out at a bike messenger bar.

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The graphic, disturbing NC-17 film Killer Joe unfolds like a great prank, but after freewheeling dangerously and thrillingly for 90 minutes, it skips the relief and goes straight to the punishment

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Three-time Kansas City air guitar champion Eric “Mean” Melin (that’s me) will host The Action Pack’s Arena Rock Sing-Along at the Alamo Drafthouse Kansas City Mainstreet Theater on Thursday night August 30 at 7:30pm!

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They may not be have any Hollywood actors in them, but the two movies in today’s DVD review are definitely worth checking out.

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On the surface, ParaNorman is an animated kids’ film filled with zombies, ghosts, and clever references to horror movies. But there’s a lot more going on in the movie than your average talking-animal children’s fare. It’s aimed at a slightly older audience, and its amazing stop-motion animation makes for some pretty scary moments.

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The Chicken and the Egg #33: Our movie-reference-happy comic strip here on Scene-Stealers is back!

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Aussie Scene-Stealers reader Xavier Robertson tells us which movies he’s the most excited about for the remainder of 2012. The line-ups for the 2012 fall festivals, leading into awards season are where most of the heavy hitters promise to be revealed.

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Evil is the theme of two movies new out on DVD. One is a thriller starring two well-known actors (‘Meeting Evil’) and the other tells the final chapter of a real-life horror story (‘Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory’).

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Ferrell plays another in a long line of his familiar type, the over-confident buffoon—this one owing a lot to his famous George W. Bush impression—while Galifianakis plays another effeminate weirdo with a fanny pack, so neither actor is really stretching.

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One of the great things about having an Alamo Drafthouse in your town is that they do all kinds of screenings of movies that aren’t your typical, awards-worthy fare, and they do them up right — with unbridled campy, enthusiasm.

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‘Get the Gringo’ and ‘Detention’ didn’t get wide theatrical releases, but these two over-the-top movies prove that just because a film didn’t hit theaters doesn’t mean it’s not worth checking out.

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