Everything about Friends With Kids the directorial debut from Jennifer Westfeldt feels like a labor of love. Westfeldt, who also wrote and produced the film alongside Mike Nichols and real-life boyfriend and co-star Jon Hamm manages a cast that has proven their comedic chops on Parks And Recreation, Saturday Night Live and Bridesmaids, among other places. In […]
After a week off to recover from the KC Oscar Party 2012, Eric, Trey and Trevan return, ready to talk about John Carter, Silent House and Friends With Kids.
The gimmick behind Silent House ends up being the only thing the film has going for it. Beyond the single-take device, there isn’t much in way of plot or performances.
Longtime contributor Warren Cantrell stops by to talk with Eric, Trey and Trevan about the Oscar Party 2012. Trevan discusses Act Of Valor and Eric praises Paul Rudd in Wanderlust. Then in a new, possibly recurring segment called What’s the Big Deal About…?, the guys each share an outsider movie — one that they hate, […]
There are essentially three ways to look at Act Of Valor, but no matter which way you choose to view the movie, you’re likely to be disappointed. The movie, which is co-directed by first-time motion picture directors Mike McCoy and Scott Waugh, has a couple of claims to fame that the advertisements have promoted heavily: […]
Eric reveals the location of this year’s Scene-Stealers/Lost In Reviews Oscar Party. Trey discusses Hayao Miyazaki and Hiromasa Yonebayashi’s new film “The Secret World of Arriety” and Trevan dashes Eric’s hopes on the Neveldine/Taylor-fied “Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance.”
How did this happen? Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, the newest movie from Nicolas Cage and the crazed directorial partnership that is Mark Neveldine/Brian Taylor is markedly bad, in the truest sense of the word. It’s a broken, convoluted mess that somehow manages to feel drawn out, despite a brisk runtime on paper. It features […]
Eric, Trey and Trevan talk about the upcoming Scene-Stealers/Lost In Reviews Oscar Party before moving on to discuss the new Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds vehicle “Safe House” and Wim Wenders’ new 3D documentary “Pina.” Oh, and for our loyal podcast listeners, check us out/subscribe on iTunes or our RSS.
This week, Eric and Trevan review “Chronicle,” while Trey sorts out Daniel Radcliffe’s first post-Potter movie “The Woman In Black.” Then all three come together to discuss the merits of “The Artist.”
‘Chronicle’ is a first-person, found footage take on the super hero genre, but it’s also a remarkably affecting teenage drama, as it unpacks familiar issues such as alienation, loneliness and the awkwardness that is inherent in almost every adolescence.
Don’t trust the advertising campaign on ‘The Grey.’ What’s made to look like a simple survival/action movie is actually far more subdued and emotionally taxing.
After a few weeks off, Eric Melin, Trevan McGee and Trey Hock are back and entirely hosted on scene-stealers.com. In this week’s episode, the guys talk about The Grey, Albert Nobbs, Man On A Ledge, Shame, and the 2012 Oscar nominations.
… and Trevan was visited by Joey the War Horse.
Before I go into this week’s entry, I need to admit something that may alienate people right away, or at the very least, make my case a lot harder to establish — I hated “Donnie Darko.” Okay, “hate” is a strong word. Probably too strong, but I think the movie is a bunch of loosely […]
Usually the goal of Insomniac Movie Theater is to highlight an established cult classic or classic train wreck through the lens of exhaustion and all of the fun side effects that come with it (halucinations, iritability, etc.), but this week’s entry is a little different. Rather than write about an established failure or a little-known, […]
Oh boy. This week’s entry tackles Frank Miller’s hastily released and quickly forgotten take on Will Eisner’s pulp comic book “The Spirit.” Even in the fog of a late night, sleep-deprived viewing, it’s hard to see the litany of problems and the movie’s fast and loose style as interesting or likable. Hot off of the […]