Trevan McGee

Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal return to the hard-nosed military genre with Zero Dark Thirty, a rare cinematic achievement.

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There are movies aplenty in this week’s podcast, as Eric, Trevan and Trey work their way through some late-to-dinner Oscar hopefuls: Promised Land, Not Fade Away, Hyde Park on Hudson and The Impossible. There’s a lot to get through and the guys move fast, so try to keep up. Subscribe to The Scene-Stealers Podcast on iTunes or our RSS.

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Gus Van Sant’s ‘Promised Land’ takes on the environmental issue of fracking in the Midwest, but treats the characters as set dressing.

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Does Django Unchained continue Tarantino’s hot streak or is it a misstep? Find out on a not especially Christmas-y Christmas episode of the podcast.

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Judd Apatow’s latest film about age, parenting and everything in between features some bright spots, but is a flawed film overall.

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The boys return with the next-to-last podcast before the holiday break. This week, Trey discusses the Kansas City Film Critics Circle’s annual awards voting, Eric and Trevan jump into Jack Reacher, the latest from Tom Cruise and writer/director Christopher McQuarrie, and everyone dives into Judd Apatow’s This is 40 before moving on to Tom Hooper’s take on Les Miserables. […]

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This week Eric, Trevan and Trey return to Middle-earth with Peter Jackson for a lengthy discussion of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey before moving on to Sacha Gervasi‘s take on Alfred Hitchcock in the appropriately titled film, Hitchcock. Is the return to The Shire and Rivendell worth your time? Is 48 Frames-per-Second filmmaking the downfall of […]

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It’s another week at the Scene-Stealers podcast and this week we’re discussing Killing Them Softly, Anna Karenina and Miami Connection – let’s not talk about Jack And Diane. Actually, we will, but it’s a figure of speech. Just listen to it. Subscribe to The Scene-Stealers Podcast on iTunes or our RSS.

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It’s been five years since writer/director Andrew Dominik made The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford. And like that film, his newest offering, Killing Them Softly, is an allegory for the times we live in, and will likely be seen by no one. It’s also one of the best films of the year.

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Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! Trevan, Trey and Eric are back with reviews of the week’s big Wednesday openings – Silver Linings Playbook and Life Of Pi – two great movies that deserve your attention this weekend. So while everyone else is standing in and line and shopping their hearts out, take a load, watch a great movie with […]

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Here we go again on our own. Going down the only road…. Eric, Trey, and Trevan are back this week with reviews for Lincoln and The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2.

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Daniel Criag returns as James Bond, but ‘Skyfall’ offers more than the standard spy thriller. As the plot changes from international mystery to revenge story to home defense/giant metaphor, the clean, do-no-wrong exteriors of these characters that have been established over the last 50 years fade away.

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After a long hiatus, we’re back. And we have 120 movies to work through. OK, Not really, just five.

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It’s quiet, muted at times, as Anderson says with a single shot what lesser directors spend entire scenes on creating, and it ends on a vague whimper.

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It may look like The Fast And The Furious: 1920s, but Lawless is wittier and more memorable than initial trailers would lead you to believe.

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