Trevan McGee

It’s the dog days of summer as we talk about three movies that round out the summer movie season.

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In a dystopian future, the world is only inhabitable in two places — Great Britain and Australia. The countries are connected through an underground tunnel that goes through the planet’s core and it serves as a handy dividing line between the rich and the poor. All of this is explained before the first scene of […]

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This week, Eric and Trevan talk about Total Recall, the latest remake/reinterpretation/rehash/idea repurposing. The original wasn’t high art by any means, but does the Colin Farrell vehicle offer anything past the one-two punch of Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel? Listen on to find out! And once you have, stick around because the guys discuss the bizarre, […]

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Trey Hock interviews Margo Martindale, an actress known for her roles on FX’s Justified, and the movies Million Dollar Baby and Win Win. Martindale talks with Trey about her new movie ‘Scalene.’

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Trevan, Eric and Trey do the podcast by phone this week to talk about ‘Beasts Of The Southern Wild’ and fight each other during a spoiler-heavy takedown of ‘The Dark Knight Rises.’

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A note on spoilers: While this review is written spoiler-free, certain elements of the plot are discussed or touched on briefly and carefully. Elements of the film that are revealed explicitly in trailers are mentioned for context, but should you wish to stay in the dark about the film entirely, proceed with caution. The last […]

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Eric, Trey, Trevan and Adam host a Google Hangout to talk about The Amazing Spider-Man, Ted, Moonrise Kingdom, Lola Versus and Safety Not Guaranteed. It’s a lot to cover and the hamster that powers Eric’s Internet connection gets tired at times, but hang in there. It’s worth it. Subscribe to The Scene-Stealers Podcast on iTunes or our RSS.

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We have a lot to cover this week and conflicting schedules didn’t do us any favors. Trey Hock joins Trevan McGee to talk about Seeking a Friend For The End of The World starring Steve Carell and Keira Knightley. Super-busy Eric Melin joins Trevan on the phone for a discussion of the 100 percent historically accurate Abraham Lincoln: Vampire […]

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Revisionist rock history. Absurd Musical Numbers. Tom Cruise serenading Malin Ackerman‘s ass. Even Bryan Cranston shows up in his tighty-whities. Rock Of Ages does indeed have something for everyone. This week Eric, Trevan, Clair and guest Alan Rapp talk about the ’80s music homage/parody/something-or-other. Subscribe to The Scene-Stealers Podcast on iTunes or our RSS.

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Eric, Trevan and Trey spend the entirety of the podcast talking about Prometheus, the latest from director Ridley Scott. Because the plot has been well guarded up to this point, we each offer spoiler-free recaps, but once our recaps our out of the way, everything is fair game. Be warned: Spoilers Ahead. If you’ve seen the film, be […]

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After 33 years, director Ridley Scott returns to the Alien franchise with a film that answers a few questions, poses some new ones and plays fast and loose with its ensemble cast along the way.

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Trevan, Trey and Eric welcome newcomers Clair Rock and Adam Brumback as they discuss Snow White And The Huntsman. After that, the group moves on to talk about the painful circumstance of movies that you love that almost everybody else hates. If you have a misunderstood movie that you love, share it with us in […]

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Trevan and Trey welcome new contributing writer and first-time podcaster Adam Brumback as the three discuss Will Smith’s newest offering Men In Black 3 before moving on to something completely different. How different? How about a psycho-drama centered on the possibility of time travel? Subscribe to The Scene-Stealers Podcast on iTunes or our RSS.

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The trio return in full this week, as Eric reviews Sacha Baron Cohen’s The Dictator and Trevan takes on the newest offering from Hasbro, Battleship. Trey finally gets to have his say regarding Avengers. Check out Eric’s other project U.S. Air Guitar. Subscribe to The Scene-Stealers Podcast on iTunes or our RSS.

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Surprise, surprise, Battleship, a movie based on a board game turned out to be an empty, underwhelming mess. Director Peter Berg has had to suffer comparisons to Michael Bay and that other movie franchise based on a Hasbro board game, but in this case, it’s an accurate comparison. Berg-favorite Taylor Kitsch stars in another misplaced, big-budget Sci-Fi movie […]

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