‘Consecration’ is a grab-bag of horror tropes and cinematic parlor tricks that amuses for a time, yet ultimately stumbles.
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‘Consecration’ is a grab-bag of horror tropes and cinematic parlor tricks that amuses for a time, yet ultimately stumbles.
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A story about the holding patterns people put themselves in while waiting for life to happen to them, “Living” is Bill Nighy at his best.
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Five pounds of movie stuffed in a 10-pound bag, “Alice, Darling” is less a story and more a snapshot: teasing the profound while never quite arriving there.
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Not nearly fun enough to exist as pure escapism, and far too ridiculous to take at face value, ‘Plane’ is a vessel without a (air)port.
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Too long and with no idea how to put a bow on all of this, ‘Babylon’ fizzles out with the same tragic whimper that characterizes its doomed characters.
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Cameron’s complete mastery of the action form combined with his virtual reinvention of the mo-cap format puts ‘The Way of Water’ on a whole other level.
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This take on ‘Pinocchio’ is both entertaining and insightful, and presents the story in a visual format that is ideally suited for this telling.
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‘Nocebo’ is another chapter in Lorcan Finnegan’s fantastic running series of ‘Twilight Zone’-esque explorations of humanity’s load-bearing failures.
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‘Amsterdam’ is a soulless grab-bag of eccentric characters and plot notions scrambled together for maximum awards season effect.
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Tense, gorgeous to look at, well-acted, and wonderfully directed, ‘Prey’ is a goddamn blast, and a pleasant back-to-basics return for the franchise.
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Soon we’ll find out if ‘Prey’ takes heed of these lessons, but if any enterprising party is curious, the data on previous ‘Predator’ installments point towards a clear winner, and is now there for the taking.
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[Rating: Minor Rock Fist Up] In Theaters Friday, July 22nd People are going to try and sell Nope as a 70s-era Spielberg homage, or a 50s alien-invasion throwback, and while there’s notes of all these things in the picture, this is 100% undiluted, uncut Jordan Peele. A bracing, suspenseful, well-paced thrill-a-minute corker buttressed by insightful, […]
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One day a movie will peel back the gruesome and abominable moral complexity of Adolf Eichmann, but ‘Orders from Above’ is not that movie.
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A forgettable trifle that rarely makes sense and doesn’t look particularly interesting, ‘Thor: Love & Thunder’ is nonetheless funny and easy to consume.
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