This is the third in a series of reports from the SXSW Film/Interactive Festival, which is still taking place in Austin, TX. Scene-Stealers hosted the Bacon-Flavored Interactive Afterparty, the Harpoon Happy Hour, and the free SenoReality screening, all of which were held at the coolest bar in town, Red 7. While we were down there, […]
…and several other hilarious Photoshop “Watchmen” images are up at Gizmodo. Thanks to Transbuddha for finding this!
I told you it would be predictable, and it was. So much so that I predicted every major category correctly a month ago. For a complete list of the winners of last night’s Academy Awards, click here. The two categories that hung me up were Best Sound Mixing (which went to “Slumdog Millionaire,” even though […]
Well, here’s the teaser for Quentin Tarantino’s long-awaited WWII revenge flick “Inglorious Basterds.” I ususally try not to watch trailers (because I hate seeing too much of the film), but this is a smaller, quicker trailer than most … … and it’s somehow completely not what I was expecting. Even knowing QT’s propensity for childish […]
Q: What is the only Oscar-related happening that’s longer than the actual Academy Awards telecast? A: AMC Theatres’ Best Picture Showcase On Saturday, February 21, you can watch all five Best Picture candidates all in a row at your local AMC theater for only $30. (If you’re a Movie Watcher club member, it’s just $25.) […]
Our guest review today comes from Scene-Stealers reader Jake Yadrich from Shawnee, KS, who was one of the 50 winners who saw an advance screening of the new Michael Bay-produced franchise reboot last Monday night. He is a big fan of the series, and brings all the insight that can only come from someone who […]
WARNING: IF YOU ARE OFFENDED BY SALTY LANGUAGE SPEWED FORTH FROM THE MOUTH OF MOVIE STARS, GO NO FURTHER! What better way to spread the love and cheer of Valentine’s Day than with a special Happy Balentine’s Day E-Card from one of Hollywood’s most respected and beloved actors? Everyone has a bad day, and in […]
What’s the point? I called it without ever having seen any video of him rapping, but it’s pretty clear that Joaquin Phoenix’s self-imposed retirement from acting to pursue a career as a rapper is a hoax. As soon as the news broke that his brother-in-law Casey Affleck would be directing a documentary about his decision, […]
Mickey Rourke, up for a Best Actor Oscar that he richly deserves at this year’s 2009 Academy Awards ceremony, is not your usual, play-it-safe kind of actor. (To enter our Oscar prediction contest, go here!) Just today, the Huffington Post put a up a slide show of recent promotional appearances Rourke has made in the […]
Vanity Fair has an online exclusive audio/text interview with England’s loudest band! To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Marty DiBergi’s masterpiece, “This Is Spinal Tap,” the boys in the band are ready to tour the world. All they need is a little support from their sponsors.
[youtube y6eRZCsX6E4 nolink] Last Thursday night was incredible. According to JayDoc organizer Faith Butler, we raised somewhere around $20,000 for the Kansas City free healthcare clinic at the Uptown Theater. That, and I got to play with Bill and Nick again as Ultimate Fakebook for a full-on, ridiculous rock show. Our friend and sometime co-host […]
UPDATE: Academy Awards (2/22), BAFTA (2/8), Director’s Guild winner (1/31), Screen Actor’s Guild winners (1/26), Producer’s Guild winners (1/25), Online Film Critics Society (1/20), Vancouver Critics (1/14), Golden Globe winners, Iowa Critics (1/11), Central Ohio Film Critics (1/8), Critic’s Choice winners (1/9), CAS, DGA, WGA, ACS nominees (1/8), Producer’s Guild noms (1/5), Kansas City critics, […]
This morning, 50 winners were picked from all the submissions we got here at the website to go see Monday night’s advance screening of the Michael Bay-produced “Friday the 13th” series. I asked everybody to tell us what was their favorite/least favorite film in the series and why and we got a wide variety of […]
[veoh v17347066B5pkRgYD nolink] This may be the funniest viral video I’ve ever seen for a romantic comedy. Bradley Cooper, Kevin Connolly, and Justin Long have filmed a video Top 10 explaining to guys why they shouldn’t be afraid to go see “He’s Just Not That Into You” with their girlfriends on Feb. 6. These […]
ALERT: Be sure to enter our 2009 Oscar Pick ‘Em Contest for a free Netflix subscription! BEST PICTURE “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” “Frost/Nixon” “Milk “The Reader” “Slumdog Millionaire” “Slumdog Millionaire” won Best Picture at the Producer’s Guild Awards on Saturday and the Best Ensemble award at the Screen Actor’s Guild Awards tonight, so […]