Jason Bourne is a slow-burn of an action flick that unfolds as one of the best action movies of the year
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Jason Bourne is a slow-burn of an action flick that unfolds as one of the best action movies of the year
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Star Trek Beyond is easily the most bone-headed, silly, and action-packed of the rebooted franchise.
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For awhile after seeing ‘Lights Out’ I wondered if my enjoyment of the film was for not entirely respectable reasons, if I enjoyed it for reasons closer to that of an MST3K film than that of a truly solid genre effort. But you know what? If something is fun I’m gonna tell the world it’s fun, and dammit this film is fun.
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A national manhunt is ordered for a rebellious kid and his foster uncle who go missing in the wild New Zealand bush.
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I enjoyed The Music of Strangers quite a lot. It’s no masterpiece, nor necessarily worth multiple viewings, but it’s a strong effort from a fine documentarian.
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The good news is this movie isn’t the abomination the prognosticators predicted. It’s funny, which is all that matters and yes, it’s pretty dumb. No, it’s not destined for instant classic status, but it doesn’t tarnish the Ghostbusters name — Ghostbusters II already did that years ago.
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[Rating: Minor Rock Fist Up] Millennials need a version of Lassie that isn’t wholesome. Instead, a story of a dog exploring the perverted, introverted world it lives in. Ok, maybe this isn’t needed, but it’s certainly available now Wiener-Dog. Remember Paulie, that movie from 1998 where a parrot gets passed around from owner to owner? […]
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After botching an ill-conceived bank robbery in a desolate California town, two wannabe crooks flee the scene with a hostage into the desert, where they inexplicably stumble upon Carnage Park, a remote stretch of wilderness occupied by a psychotic ex-military sniper.
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Swiss Army Man, is a mix of silly, wildly imaginative and emotionally moving. It’s a strong first feature from DANIELS and stars Daniel Radcliffe and Paul Dano.
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A bit clunky at times, Our Kind of Traitor is still a gripping spy yarn that forgoes the Bond and Borne tropes in exchange for a more cerebral, character-driven adventure.
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Free State of Jones is not a 100% historically accurate snapshot in time—it has epic span and portrays Knight’s myth through the lens of today’s social climate.
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‘Bang! The Bert Berns Story’ is a documentary about the eccentric, troubled, brilliant songwriter/music producer, and despite the fact that it is the work of an obvious ally (Berns’ son, Brett Berns, directed the effort), it is unflinching in its portrayal of Berns as simultaneously brilliant and flawed.
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At a time when Russia is once again rattling its international sabre, and clamping down on civil liberties, a documentary exploring one Soviet writer’s persecution at the hands of Stalin and the U.S.S.R.’s secret police feels all-too timely.
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Currently playing at the Seattle International Film Festival, Vanity is by far the best film playing there right now, and shouldn’t be missed by anyone who has 75 minutes to spare on a truly remarkable cinematic experience.
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The Lobster has been surviving the big blockbuster summer on positive word of mouth alone. If you miss it in theaters, don’t fear: It’s the perfect movie to watch at home, where you can marvel at its absurdity and ponder its questions with someone you love.
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