[Rating: Minor Rock Fist Down] Found-footage horror is usually pretty hit or miss. Sometimes you have great ones like [REC] or The Blair Witch Project and most times you’ll have really … just shitty ones. The 16th Episode, though actually a rather scary movie, isn’t really a successful found-footage horror flick. In fact, I can’t […]
[Rating: Minor Rock Fist Up] I’m not going to convince you Annabelle Comes Home is an amazing horror movie. Nor will this review try and prove that it’s better than most horror movies that are somewhere around five-deep into a spinoff run. But the latest tale of the haunted doll that was actually a Raggedy […]
‘Toy Story 4’ is yet another heartwarming entry into the great animated series, examining friendship and what it means to be an important toy for a kid.
Sienna Miller takes the independent scene by storm as a young mother trying to put the pieces of her life back together after her teenage daughter disappears.
[Rating: Swiss Fist] First of all, I absolutely without a doubt would pay to watch Tessa Thompson read a phone book at this point, which is probably the main reason I was able to get through the somehow pathetically average Men in Black: International with a few solid chuckles and only a few more eye […]
The Dead Don’t Die is an offbeat, quirky comedy that doesn’t take itself seriously with performances by Murray and Driver that are worth the slow burn.
‘Plus One’ effectively uses the tropes of the rom-com genre to conform to the best parts of it while blazing a path entirely its own.
Bill Shakespeare spends his retirement in solidarity and mental suffering, something that reflects back on the audience of this flick.
This sequel is a “good boy” as it improves on the original box office hit.
A breezy little documentary with modest ambitions and a surplus of reverence for its subject, ‘Loopers: The Caddie’s Long Walk’ makes par.
‘Late Night’ is a perceptive, funny comedy built on an unsound contrivance.
‘Dark Phoenix’ is a pretty odd and largely dissatisfying end to the near mostly tremendous twenty year run of Fox’s X-Men franchise.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters gives new meaning to the term “dumb monster movie.” Hold up, that’s not fair. Actually it’s the humans in this movie that are the dummies.
Octavia Spencer delivers a terror-filled good time in her basement.
[Rating: Minor Rock Fist Up] I’m not gonna lie — I have actually been looking forward to a live action movie about the tales of Aladdin and his magic lamp since I was a kid. The animated flick, which came out when I was in high school is still one of my all-time favorite Disney […]