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Captain Marvel is a fun, sci-fi flick set in the retro 90’s of the MCU and serves as a solid intro for a character expected to carry the torch going forward.

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[Rating: Rock Fist Way Down]The worst part of the Greta experience is the aftermath. The hours and days you’ll spend trying to make sense of anything you’ve seen in this movie could be enough to make you insane if you’re not strong enough to endure the ridiculously inept sequence of events that unfold once the […]

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[Rating: Solid Rock Fist Up]The ‘How to Train Your Dragon franchise was introduced in 2010 and it has gone on to establish itself to kids (and parents) as one of the most entertaining and emotionally satisfying animated series this side of the Toy Story flicks. Those kids, who were little wee ones back in that day, […]

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[Rating: Swiss Fist] Donnybrook, the dreary and hopeless drama from Tim Sutton, is a brutal and darkly brooding picture that follows a family man’s violent journey to free his family from the doom of a poverty stricken life and an inevitable hopeless existence by fighting and stealing his way to a bareknuckle brawl. It’s a […]

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‘Capernaum’ proves hell is on earth in unflinching story of refugee life.

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‘Nothing to Do’ feels like film school project about hospice.

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Rom-com returns to form in ‘Isn’t It Romantic,’ which destroys the clichés and invents new ways to tell a romantic and funny story.

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[Rating: Rock Fist Way Down] Okay. I’m over it already. In fact, I was never on board with this hack wannabe slasher franchise. The 2017 original presented a unique gimmick, which, under the right guidance could have been a lot of fun, but ultimately wasn’t nearly explored enough. Thankfully, someone green-lit Happy Death Day 2 […]

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[Rating: Minor Rock Fist Up]Steven Soderbergh‘s latest iPhone feature film, High Flying Bird, plays like Jerry Maguire on moprhine, as it goes behind the scenes into the high-tension world of professional basketball owner-player negotiations during a labor dispute. It’s a decent flick, if at times slow, that survives thanks to a decent script and a […]

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‘The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part’ is all over the place.

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[Rating: Minor Rock Fist Down] A diabolical sleight-of-hand trick that suckers its audience in with promises of mayhem spanning two different genres, The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot has redefined what is possible in the realm of cinematic let-downs. Skimping on the Hitler and Bigfoot action only to delve into the heart […]

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‘Under the Eiffel Tower’ has a lot of ‘Veep’ stars, but none of the funny.

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‘They Shall Not Grow Old’ receives a wide releases to be witnessed by more audience in understanding the horrors of the First World War told through new groundbreaking technology.

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‘Then Came You’ seems content to just trample over Manic Pixie Dream Girl story beats and characters that don’t offer anything new to the formula.

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Revenge drama ‘Destroyer’ is an unsatisfying ordeal.

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