Opening Friday, Nostalgia is an assembled collection of self-important, thousand-yard-stare monologues is a sophomoric meditation on the fleeting nature of existence.
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Opening Friday, Nostalgia is an assembled collection of self-important, thousand-yard-stare monologues is a sophomoric meditation on the fleeting nature of existence.
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Annihilation is fun to look at and shows signs of promise early on, but once the shine wears off, it’s clear there’s no substance below the surface.
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Game Night is a fun, energetic and relentless comedy that defies all of its own cliches, establishing it as the first great comedy of 2018.
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A bad movie with a lot of heart and a good message, Half Magic is a harmless fable about modern, professional women trying to thrive in a man’s world.
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A lazy collection of clichés with almost no personality and even less of a reason to exist, ‘7 Guardians of the Tomb’ is a movie without a soul.
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Black Panther is a massive, grandiose, deep film with tons to talk about and handles most of its ideas with quite a lot of grace. It is also about 45 minutes too short to give a lot of those ideas the time they need to be fully explored and okay I said it. There, you happy?
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‘The Female Brain,’ at Screenland at Tapcade now, makes the topic even more of a labyrinth than it already is.
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Opening this Friday in limited theatrical release and simultaneously on VOD, Poop Talk is a funny exploration of what it means to be a functioning creature on planet Earth that has to excrete something for everything it takes in.
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Opening tomorrow at the Screenland at Tapcade, Still/Born is just what you’d expect from an indie horror-thriller opening in February. It’s interesting, engaging, a little bit terrifying, and a lot bit suspenseful.
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Jack Black comes close to self-parody more than once, but there’s an inherent likability to his Lewan, and an enormous curiosity—knowing especially that it’s a true story—in seeing how far he can take it.
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Opening today at the Screenland Crossroads at Tapcade, Vazante is an interesting movie directed by a deliberate, thoughtful filmmaker with something to say.
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‘Midnighters’ is decent flick with a few loose threads that keep it from being the tightly wound thriller it aspires to be.
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At Panic Fest 2018 now, ‘Lowlife’ takes your adrenaline and boosts it in an intense and bloody thrill-ride even Tarantino would love.
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This Scott Cooper western starring Christian Bale grapples with themes of post-war reconciliation, genocide, honor, and transcending notions of “other.”
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Showing at Panic Fest this weekend in Kansas City, ‘The Cured’ starring Ellen Page, is a zombie movie as sociopolitical allegory.
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