Scene-Stealers reader Ryan Klima (who previously wrote the Top 10 Most Iconic Movie Posters list) has a well-timed Top 10 for today…here’s Ryan: Baseball season started yesterday, which means that many people will be going to the movies while waiting for football to start again. To celebrate, I’ve decided to compose a super-team composed of […]
For a subject that was once (and still is, from time to time) so pervasive in the news media, it’s surprising to me that there aren’t more films exploring the “what if” scenarios of nuclear war. Here is my attempt to list the best of them. Disclaimer: “On The Beach,” “The Sacrifice” by Andrei Tarkovsky, […]
Seeing how DreamWorks’ new “How to Train Your Dragon” is about ready to swoop into theaters it seemed like the perfect opportunity to take a look back at the history of dragons in feature films. What you will find below is a a list of Top 10 Movie Dragons. Some come from good films, and […]
With the release of the unimaginatively but appropriately titled “She’s Out of My League” last weekend—which despite the participation of “Undeclared” star Jay Baruchel doesn’t seem to have anything to do with Judd Apatow—yet another movie where the schlub gets the hot girl has entered the history books. It’s a trend that seems to be […]
If you have a Top 20 list you’d like to contribute, email me at Below is a text exchange between contributor Warren Cantrell from 10rant and myself that explains his Top 10 list (which follows) better than I could: Eric: What’s up, man? Warren: Hey. Nothing much, been drunk for about three straight days. […]
Okay, this list began as a list of Olympic movies for obvious timely reasons, but due to the fact that would make for a very lame list, I broadened the topic. Instead, I’m focusing on training moments, montages, competition, pommel horses that appear magically in the middle of a chase, and a double dose of […]
In anticipation of this Friday’s release of “The Wolfman” remake, Scene-Stealers contributor Trevan McGee takes a look at the best onscreen creature transformations ever. If you have a Top 10 idea of your own, send it to Here’s Trevan: To be clear, actors –– the good ones at least –– transform themselves in every […]
First things first: I love watching the Oscars. It’s the one time of the year that I get all fired up about things that shouldn’t matter to me so much. I want this year to be good. I want it to be awesome. Right now, though, it looks as if it might just infuriate me. […]
NYC writer Sean O’Connell has contributed some great lists to Scene-Stealers and his newest is no exception. If you have a Top 10 you’d like to write for inclusion, send it (or the idea for it) to me at Here’s Sean: This might not be the most politically correct list of all time. But […]
Well, the 00s have come to a close. Maybe now it’s time to look back at the decade before this last one. Maybe there’s a little more clarity with distance. Maybe Scene-Stealers contributor Warren J. Cantrell from is the man to examine the Top 10 Things Movies Taught Us In the 1990s. I think […]
This decade was a great one for genre films. If anything, it could be remembered as the decade that fantasy/sci-fi/action films really grew up. Of course, Peter Jackson created the critically and commercially successful “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, capping it all off with the first Best Picture win for a fantasy movie ever in […]
This year will be remembered as the year that in-theater experiences went mainstream. Not only did James Cameron’s much-hyped IMAX 3D spectacular “Avatar” open to $77 million this past weekend, but movies in these formats were coming out on a consistent basis all year long and doing great business. Hopefully, filmmakers will continue to use […]
Today’s Top 10 comes from contributor George Schmidt. He also wrote the list of Top 10 Sexiest Cinematic Giantesses for Scene-Stealers around this time last year. If you’d like to contribute a Top 10 list of your own, email me at Here’s George: I’m always intrigued about how certain film characters are introduced […]
Last week contributor/filmmaker Trey Hock wrote up his list of the Top 10 Dysfunctional Families in Movie Comedies because when he started a list of dysfunctional families in general, it was way too long. You could look at today’s list as a sort of Part Two. Separating them into two list gave him the opportunity […]
Today’s kick-ass two-part list comes from indie filmmaker Trey Hock. I’ll let him explain: When I suggested this list to Eric, I thought I was in for a simple and fun project. I knew I could think of a number of funny, awkward and weird families in films. Why not come up with film families […]