No sense trying to sum it up: 2007 was another year with a lot of mediocre movies, some really terrible ones, some disappointing ones, some good ones, and a couple truly amazing ones. I hate it when the studios wait to release all their “quality” films until the end of the year, but it looks […]
Looking for a different kind of holiday movie list last week, I covered Christmas scenes that defined important moments in non-Christmas movies. Now it’s time to take on the whole enchilada. The following 11 films (I had one too many and decided to leave it on the list anyway) all take place during the holidays, […]
Top Ten Tuesday is here and so is the holiday season. But, as usual, we’ve got something a bit different for you. Christmas is such an emotional time of the year that it serves filmmakers well. Whether you’re celebrating the joy of Christmas or wallowing in self-pity at a holiday spent alone, there is so […]
Some of today’s biggest film directors started out as actors—Mel Gibson, Ron Howard, Clint Eastwood, and Woody Allen, for example—and in 2007 that trend only seems to have gotten bigger, with movies out by Robert Redford (“Lions for Lambs”), Sean Penn (“Into the Wild”), Sarah Polley (“Away From Her”), Julie Delpy (“2 Days in Paris”), Ben […]
This Tuesday, J.D. is having his way with the Top 10 movies directed by actors. There are too many directors who are formerly actors, or actors who now mainly direct, so guys like Rob Reiner, Ron Howard, Harold Ramis, Clint Eastwood and yes, even Christopher Guest (thanks Eric, ya jerk!– here’s his list), are out […]
For a moment, let’s forget the fact that Thanksgiving is a hypocritical holiday that celebrates a symbolic peace-loving dinner between two cultures that didn’t really work out too good in the long run. That would make a great Top 10 List on its own: Top 10 Movies That Show How Badly the Indians Got Screwed […]
It’s Top 10 Tuesday again! Just in time for more fun with “Bruno,” a.k.a. Mr. Bruce Willis. Last week, Eric pointed out that Bruce has made at least ten (and definitely more) really bad movies. I’m going the opposite direction. I would like you to consider the top five selections here a “best of list” […]
Some A-List movie stars are allowed to get away with murder, and no one seems to do just that more often than Bruce Willis. For every “Pulp Fiction,” “Die Hard,” or “Sin City” on his resume, the actor has ten movies as bad as “Perfect Stranger.” And since that scummy little stinker came out earlier […]
Alright Scene-Stealers gang, before you get all twitchy, this is a favorites list – not a “best of” anything. This is a fluff list designed entirely to get our readers out there in internet land to fire back with your personal allhallows-eve movie costume faves or just the best idea for a costume yet unrealized. […]
Every Halloween, video stores are bombarded with the same question: “Do you know any good horror movies I haven’t seen yet?” Believe me, I know– I used to work at one. Unfortunately, most of the people that are looking for a new scary movie to rent stick with the tried-and-tired franchises like “Friday the 13th,” […]
The phrase “best sequel” is, in and of itself, a misnomer. There have only been a handful of truly defensible sequels in film history and “The Godfather Part II” is very probably the only sure-fire winner. I have therefore omitted that film from the top of this list. I’ve also left out “The Empire Strikes […]
This summer was heavier in sequels than any in recent memory— “Pirates 3,” “Spider-Man 3,” “Fantastic Four 2,” “The Hills Have Eyes 2” (again), “Shrek 3,” “Die Hard 4,” “Rush Hour 3,” “Bourne 3,” “Harry Potter 5,” “28 Weeks Later,” “Daddy Day Camp,” “Evan Almighty,” and more. In addition, most of them were major letdowns. […]
You’ve had a week to chew on Eric’s list of Top Ten Directorial Debuts. Now its my turn to throw down with some sweet picks. Sharpen your comment sticks, boys and girls and go get em’… 1. The Shawshank Redemption (1994) How in the world this film was a first attempt at feature direction is […]
It’s Tuesday, so that means another Scene-Stealers Top 10! Most of the time a good director will become a truly great one after years of honing his or her craft. Alfred Hitchcock, who started in the 1920s, immediately leaps to mind. But some directors, like Orson Welles for example, simply strike gold their first time […]
Eric started us off last week with his list of the Top 10 Villains You Love to Hate, and now it’s my turn. Be sure to check back every Tuesday for a new Top 10 list from your pals at Scene-Stealers! 1. Hans Gruber, Die Hard (1988), Alan Rickman Alan Rickman has given us a […]