These key Wes Anderson moments are amusing and compelling, and if you’re a fan of them, believe me, Moonrise Kingdom will not let you down. Here are the Top 10 Awkward Wes Anderson Movie Moments.
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These key Wes Anderson moments are amusing and compelling, and if you’re a fan of them, believe me, Moonrise Kingdom will not let you down. Here are the Top 10 Awkward Wes Anderson Movie Moments.
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In honor of the release of yet another live-action Snow White film, Snow White and the Huntsman, here’s a look a the 10 best live-action fairy tale movies.
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What does Hollywood have in store for us this year? A couple more superhero flicks, new films by director Wes Anderson and Woody Allen, time travel, a fictional character literally brought to life, and the end of the world.
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Since ‘Men In Black 3’ was number-one this weekend, a buddy movie list is kind of appropriate. This is an archive article, originally printed on Sept. 13, 2005 from site co-founder J.D. Warnock.
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Before he crapped the bed in the mid-90s, Rob Reiner had an (almost) unbroken run of movies that could rival any director in movie history. Here are his most memorable characters. You may be surprised at how many are considered modern greats…
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What are the best kung fu fight scenes ever put to film? Watch these 10 specific movie kung-fu fights — landmarks in their respective eras and as enduring pieces of painstakingly realized, elaborate entertainment.
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Watch Bruce Lee kick all sorts of martial arts ass in this Top 10 list of the Best Fight Scenes from Bruce Lee Movies ever put to film. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? Check. Chuck Norris? Check. An entire factory full of goons? You know it. Watch the Top 10 Bruce Lee Movie Fight Scenes.
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The new Luc Besson-produced Guy Pearce sci-fi action flick inspired this list of the best space commanders in movies from Warren Cantrell. Take no prisoners indeed!
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Ever feel like you’ve seen everything that needs to be seen? Looking for something underrated, obscure, or unheralded; an underdog to root for? Think of this as less a list of “The Absolute Best Top 10” of overlooked movies EVER and more of a list of 10 movies that are perennially underrated that you should see ASAP. Plus, I defend “the worst movie of all time”!
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Today’s Top 10 looks at movies that have that every-day-life-comes-to-a-standstill-while-everyone-breaks-out-a-boogie-moment: It’s the Top 10 Non-Musical Dance Numbers!
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It’s not a party until a fight breaks out, the cops come, the venue gets trashed, and/or at least one person makes a complete ass of themselves. Today’s list honors the motion pictures that have embraced this philosophy.
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Man, this seems like a tough day for movie watching, doesn’t it? There is a minefield of generic, re-hashed, formulaic, uninspired Ashton-Kutcher-Katherine Heigl-Gerard-Butler-Jennifer-Aniston-Sarah-Jessica-Parker-Kate-Hudson-Matthew-McConaughey-Reese-Witherspoon-Adam-Sandler movies out there that are liable to swear you off from romantic comedies for good.
I don’t blame you.
But we are here to help
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It may be hard to believe, but there are some romantic comedies that surprise and some that even work despite their formulaic underpinnings. This Top 10 list of romantic movies will start with the easiest to swallow and get crazier as it goes. Each and every one of them is recommended for Valentine’s Day movie watching.
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The best part of any sports flick is usually the triumphant raising of a trophy (well, unless there’s a sweet-ass training montage), so with the Super Bowl opponents locked in, I thought it appropriate to honor the best sports victories in movie history.
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