[Rating: Solid Rock Fist Up]

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The holiday season is upon us. It has been a very different and difficult year for many people, and nothing can brighten up any dark spot like the joy of Christmas. Since we were children, the faith in Santa Claus and him bringing toys and presents to many on December 25 has always been the pinnacle point of any Christmas memory. Will he bring me that new video game or that new doll? Does the big man love cookies? Did Santa get my letter? In fact, looking back at childhood, how did Santa get all of our letters?
A new Christmas documentary, Dear Santa (directed by Dana Nachman and Chelsea Matter) explores how the United States Post Office works with some of Santa’s elves to make sure children and families get the Christmas wishes they so long for.
Operation Santa is a program through the United States Post Office in many cities around the country that takes all letters delivered and pairs them with volunteer elves. These elves make sure that each letter is fulfilled so that the recipient gets their wish from Santa. This is a program that evidently has been running for many years, and only now am I learning about it.

The program literally makes Christmas dreams come true from wanting a new toy, to a ride in a limo around New York City and various wants of puppies, rabbits and cats. We get to meet many of Santa’s head elves in the major cities that work alongside large corporations and even schools to make sure the letters millions of children send in get fulfilled.
I was so intrigued from the moment the documentary started. Again, I had zero clue of this operation and found myself getting online to see how I could participate. For safety reasons in 2020, all operations are going fully online, but Operation Santa is still a GO so that anybody who writes in to Santa can get their wishes. This is a very humble documentary over a topic that is simply as pleasant as can be and brings warm feelings for the current holiday season.
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