A note on spoilers: While this review is written spoiler-free, certain elements of the plot are discussed or touched on briefly and carefully. Elements of the film that are revealed explicitly in trailers are mentioned for context, but should you wish to stay in the dark about the film entirely, proceed with caution. The last […]
Directed by Tarsem Singh, Mirror, Mirror is like a children’s storybook come to life. Project X is meant to look like its shot on home video cameras and contains perhaps the single most annoying character ever put on film.
This isn’t an objective documentary. It’s packaged with a short fictional film, and all of the band’s videos. As an official band doc, Bring On the Mountain is a slightly glossy production, rather than a “warts and all” affair.
Ice Age: Continental Drift is the fourth computer-animated movie in 10 years from Blue Sky Studios to feature four prehistoric mammals. Like its predecessors, it falls neatly in the creatively bereft category of what I like to call “talking animal movies.”
Two comedies that were big hits at the box office have made their way to DVD and Blu-ray and you may want to check them out.
The overall result of ‘To Rome with Love’ is a funny film whose contrivances make no excuses for themselves, and whose jokes have a substance that a viewer could ponder for sometime after leaving the theatre.
It’s a testament to how good the movie is that ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ elicits any kind of emotion at all.
When three reporters track down a man who posted a classified ad looking for a partner in time travel they get more than they bargained for.
If you love Anderson’s previous work, you’ll be very happy with ‘Moonrise Kingdom.’ If you’ve been on the fence about his films since ‘Rushmore,’ then if you can make it through the first half you should be happy with the final half.
Seth MacFarlane writes, directs and voices the teddy bear come to life and Mark Wahlberg is the perpetual manchild with a heart of gold in ‘Ted,’ an R-rated comedy that gets a little mileage out of its setup and then is offensively unfunny for most of its running time.
If you’ve always been attracted to the allure of the New York rom-com, then you may have a new indie favorite in ‘Lola Versus.’
In the case of Rushmore and Moonrise Kingdom, the main characters really are children, yet possess a level of maturity and solemn purpose that largely outdistances their adult counterparts.
Could Abraham Lincoln possibly have been a vampire hunter? Our resident history expert takes a look at the facets of ‘Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter’ that were right and oh so wrong in this historical analysis of the silly, over-the-top action fantasy movie.
These key Wes Anderson moments are amusing and compelling, and if you’re a fan of them, believe me, Moonrise Kingdom will not let you down. Here are the Top 10 Awkward Wes Anderson Movie Moments.
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World follows two main characters Dodge (Steve Carell), and Penny (Keira Knightley) as they go on an adventure to fulfill their final wishes before the asteroid Matilda collides with the planet Earth.