Trevan, Trey and Eric welcome newcomers Clair Rock and Adam Brumback as they discuss Snow White And The Huntsman. After that, the group moves on to talk about the painful circumstance of movies that you love that almost everybody else hates. If you have a misunderstood movie that you love, share it with us in […]

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This movie only exists as a crass way for Hollywood to make money by updating a known story into a generic medieval setting with tons of meaningless action.

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Actor-turned-director Matthew Lillard (Hackers, Scream, Scooby-Doo) has offered up his own treatise on late adolescence in the form of his debut directorial feature, Fat Kid Rules the World, and while it’s no Breakfast Club, its heart and sense of authenticity match up with anything Hughes ever delivered.

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‘I Am Not a Hipster’ is a one-week snapshot, and is an exploration into what it means to be a part of a community (even one so quirky as “hipster”), and how powerfully therapeutic music can be for a broken soul.

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‘Sound of My Voice’ is an emotionally complex and challenging film, and a perfect way to avoid summer’s wearying action films.

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Trevan and Trey welcome new contributing writer and first-time podcaster Adam Brumback as the three discuss Will Smith’s newest offering Men In Black 3 before moving on to something completely different. How different? How about a psycho-drama centered on the possibility of time travel? Subscribe to The Scene-Stealers Podcast on iTunes or our RSS.

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Review of the new bird-watching documentary The Central Park Effect from the Seattle International Film Festival.

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Warren Cantrell is at the 2012 Seattle International Film Festival seeing as many movies as he can and filing reviews and reports as he goes. Watching the Dutch film 170 Hz is very much like a stroll through an art museum’s wing showcasing some new-fangled modern art display. Though eyes may pass over an exhibit proudly showing […]

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After more people discover this clever, surprisingly engaging film at home, ‘Chronicle’ will probably grow in stature. ‘Being John Malkovich’ is a confirmed cult classic with a disc full of bizarre extras.

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The trio return in full this week, as Eric reviews Sacha Baron Cohen’s The Dictator and Trevan takes on the newest offering from Hasbro, Battleship. Trey finally gets to have his say regarding Avengers. Check out Eric’s other project U.S. Air Guitar. Subscribe to The Scene-Stealers Podcast on iTunes or our RSS.

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Surprise, surprise, Battleship, a movie based on a board game turned out to be an empty, underwhelming mess. Director Peter Berg has had to suffer comparisons to Michael Bay and that other movie franchise based on a Hasbro board game, but in this case, it’s an accurate comparison. Berg-favorite Taylor Kitsch stars in another misplaced, big-budget Sci-Fi movie […]

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Warren Cantrell is at the 2012 Seattle International Film Festival seeing as many movies as he can and filing reviews and reports as he goes. It’s a wonderful thing when apolitical entities like artists or athletes find their own independent footing in a social or political avalanche, creating a bridge for members of a conflict to regain […]

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Patty Schemel of Hole has the remarkable fortune of having videotaped the hell out of her musical career. Wanting to document all the places the band traveled, she took a video camera with her and taped everything.

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Two movies out now on Blu-ray and DVD highlight completely opposite ends of the production spectrum.

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To win THE DICTATOR prize pack, which features a wonderful assortment of essential items for any oppressive ruler trying to make it in the Western world, Scene-Stealers readers had to submit a photo of the greatest beard of all time. We asked you for the best and we got ’em! We chose 5 grand prize […]

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