The 86th Academy Awards are Sunday, March 2 and your pals at Scene-Stealers, Lost in Reviews, and Downright Creepy are hosting the coolest movie party in Kansas City. This is your chance to see Hollywood’s best and worst dressed, watch the Academy Awards broadcast on the big screen with a bunch of other film nerds, drink to […]

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Jason Reitman’s new film Labor Day came out this past week. Trey had the opportunity to sit down with Joyce Maynard, the author of the novel on which Reitman’s film is based. The conversation covers authorial perspective, the changes that come with adaptation, and even a little about the struggles of single parenting. The full […]

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24 Exposures from Joe Swanberg feels like one of the contrived sex-driven thrillers from the 90s, replete with terrible acting, unexpected pants-on “sex” scenes, and a mystery that is so uninteresting that I challenge you to even remember it’s still there by the end of the film.

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It’s problems started with the novel, but Jason Reitman‘s adaptation of Labor Day is sheer wish fulfillment. It plays on the desire to be taken from our humdrum lives by a magical stranger, who solves our problems and makes us feel loved for the first time.

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Raze is a cinematic throwback to the exploitation films of the 1960s and 70s. Unfortunately it doesn’t have the tongue in cheek humor or the thinly veiled fetishizing that made that era of film so interesting and endearing.

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Unfortunately, it’s another in a long line of comedies that has guys behaving badly and treating girls like crap for the entire film and then lets them off the hook towards the end because that’s the structure of the typical romantic comedy — not because any of it makes any sense.

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If the broad lowest-common denominator comedy Last Vegas is The Hangover of oldster party movies, then the indie feature Old Goats is that genre’s Best in Show.

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As long as the subsequent films in the franchise avoid turning Ryan into a superhero and keep their plots at least somewhat rooted in reality, the Jack Ryan franchise may stand a fighting chance. At least they finally have the right actor.

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‘Sunrise’ is a reminder of how quickly film language developed into something so remarkable in under 20 years and how few modern filmmakers today take advantage of the innovative concepts that Murnau and his fellow silent-film pioneers perfected.

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Ultimately, Lone Survivor is a disappointing film based on an incredible true story. I just wished that the adaptation came closer to doing the real life event some justice.

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This week, Eric takes the week off for a spa visit, so Trevan and Trey enlist the help of Film School co-curator Erin Kennedy to talk about Her, August: Osage County and Lone Survivor. We’ve already talked about Her on last week’s best-of podcasts, but you’ll want to stick around for the Oscar fodder that is August: Osage County and […]

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Quentin Dupieux’s new film Wrong Cops shows us that sometimes it’s very difficult to tell if a film is trashy and brilliant and destined for cult fandom, or if instead the movie is misguided and not very good at all.

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