Chris Pratt

What makes Zero Dark Thirty such a fascinating film is that it plays both as an engaging procedural thriller and a serious examination of the country’s moral compass. It is already doing what great movies do—starting conversation.

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It’s a podcast with one of the best and worst films in recent memory, so don’t miss it.

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Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal return to the hard-nosed military genre with Zero Dark Thirty, a rare cinematic achievement.

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Eric tackles The Five-Year Engagement, the latest from Jason Segel and Nicholas Stoller. Meanwhile, Trey watches The Pirates! Band of Misfits and [spoiler alert] doesn’t hate it! Trevan asks questions and makes snap judgments. Subscribe to The Scene-Stealers Podcast on iTunes or our RSS.

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Thanks to a sincere script and a layered performance from Jason Segel, ‘The Five-Year Engagement’ believes wholeheartedly in actual romance — which I think is a concept that romantic comedies often “say” they support, but rarely have the chops to back it up.

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