dwayne johnson

Moana 2 is another Disney sequel that sinks more than swims.

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[Rating: Minor “The Rock” Fist Down] At this point The Rock is like a virus, spreading through Hollywood remaking old properties in his image. Think Agent Smith in the Matrix Revolutions and you’re on the right track. In addition to his hostile takeover of the Fast and the Furious franchise, DJ has a remake of […]

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There’s certainly some fun moments, but most of the jokes in the overlong ‘Baywatch’ fall flat.

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‘The Fate of the Furious’ is not the best of the bunch but thanks to a strong cast its shockingly entertaining and one of the most thrilling of the series.

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Dwayne Johnson stars in San Andreas, a disaster movie that’s too competent to be schlock, too dumb to be interesting and too concerned with spectacle to be entertaining.

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From the beginning, Brad Peyton’s San Andreas is a compromised film. Many of the choices to force in exposition and emotional depth undermine the strengths of the disaster film.

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The actors in each movie don’t have much to do, but at least one of these movies understands where its strength lies — in putting bodies in constant motion and thumbing its nose at the laws of physics.

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Two legacy summer movies debut this week, but only one of them is funny, and it isn’t The Hangover.

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Fast & Furious 6 goes bigger, dumber and more funner.

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It is good for all film snobs, when they want to dismiss Bay as thoughtless and utterly lowbrow, to remember that Criterion put out versions of both The Rock (spine #108) and Armageddon (spine #40). They had good reason to do so.

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His slow-motion prowess and action-film chops add a surreal element, but Bay’s camera leers at the world the same way his characters do. He wants to celebrate his “heroes” at the same time he’s making fun of them, but his over-the-top delivery gives him away. On top of that, the constant narration gives away too much of the mystery of their motives and it ends up trying way too hard to be funny.

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This week, Eric, Trey, and Trevan welcome Matt Lloyd, a confessed Bay-o-phile to talk about Pain & Gain, the stranger-than-fiction pet project from Michael Bay. The film stars Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson and a huge supporting cast and follows body builder bank robbers as they extort millions from some rich businessman or something. If you don’t […]

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Hey-o! A late post for the podcast this week. Sorry about that. This week, Trey talks The Host, while Trevan and Eric talk G.I. Joe: Retaliation and The Gatekeepers. Lastly, Eric takes on On The Road on his own.

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G.I. Joe: Retaliation is not high art. It is a sequel to a movie that is based on a 1980s bit of brand fusion that combined a toy line with a cartoon and comic books. It’s an obvious piece of nostalgia farming for a series that was honestly never that great, it is just remembered as […]

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‘Snitch’ is a character study that’s short on action and a treatise whose true purpose is to lecture the audience on the the evils of mandatory minimum sentencing for drug-related crimes.

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