hugh jackman

‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ is kinda fun for a little while, but is little more than a bunch of short bursts of sugary flavor that never come together in a meaningful way.

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Logan is by far the best of the X-Men films and sets a new bar for the future of solo, character-driven comic book flicks.

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Chappie, out on Blu-ray now, may be a mess, but it has a strange kind of staying power, amidst all the madness.

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After a week off, Trevan and Trey are back to talk about Seth MacFarlane‘s new movie A Million Ways To Die In The West and then Trevan lets off some steam about X-Men: Days of Future Past. There’s a lot of time travel in this week’s podcast, so Huey Lewis seemed like an obvious choice for segue […]

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Director Bryan Singer returns to the franchise that defined much of his career with X-Men: Days of Future Past, an ambitious blockbuster that attempts to unite the characters from the original X-Men trilogy with the 2011 movie X-Men: First Class. It’s a sizable undertaking, to be sure, and while Singer does manage to keep the […]

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Singer has a way of juggling an ensemble cast that includes almost 20 mutants that keeps X-Men: Days of Future Past on solid enough footing even when its multiple reality timeline bends and almost breaks.

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Have you ever had the feeling when you’re watching a movie that the initial premise is so good — so well-written and executed — that there’s no way that it could maintain that throughout the whole picture?

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Here’s my KCTV5 review with clips from ‘The Wolverine,’ as well as my capsule print review from

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It’s here! Trevan and Eric celebrate their 100th podcast with a look back at their favorite moments. And when they’re done looking back, they review some movies!

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Listen to Eric Melin and I argue about The Wolverine on Scene-Stealers Podcast #100. Hugh Jackman reprises the titular role that made him famous in The Wolverine, a movie that is simultaneously hampered by being forced to acknowledge the X-films that came before it, and helped by largely divorcing itself from the X-universe and telling its […]

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Unexpected: Ben Affleck, Tom Hooper, Quentin Tarantino, and Kathryn Bigelow snubbed in Director in favor of Benh Zeitlin and Michael Haneke.

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Hooper actively undermines what is powerful about the stage version of ‘Les Misérables,’ and doesn’t use his camera’s frame effectively to add anything of value.

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The boys return with the next-to-last podcast before the holiday break. This week, Trey discusses the Kansas City Film Critics Circle’s annual awards voting, Eric and Trevan jump into Jack Reacher, the latest from Tom Cruise and writer/director Christopher McQuarrie, and everyone dives into Judd Apatow’s This is 40 before moving on to Tom Hooper’s take on Les Miserables. […]

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The 1980s smash-hit stage musical Les Misérables arrives on the big screen in a punishing movie adaptation from director Tom Hooper that may very well prove to be the “adult” equivalent of the Twilight series.

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‘Rise of the Guardians’ is your basic by-the-numbers unlikely hero tale, although it does give audiences something that has been missing from the other movies of this year — an old-fashioned villain.

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