Dog-Man hybrid takes names and sniffs butts. And he’s all out of butts.
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Dog-Man hybrid takes names and sniffs butts. And he’s all out of butts.
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This week, Alan Rapp subs for Trey to talk about After Earth with Trevan and Now You See Me with Eric.
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There are two ways that an exercise like Now You See Me could have failed miserably, and it admirably succeeds on both counts.
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In the new film Now You See Me, Interpol detective Alma Dray (Mélanie Laurent) tells her partner that sometimes logic won’t solve the puzzle. Sometimes it takes a leap of faith.
If you can head this advice, then you might really enjoy Now You See Me.
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Two very funny comedies with their share of darkness and razor-sharp insight into adult relationships are now out on Blu-ray.
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‘Rise of the Guardians’ is your basic by-the-numbers unlikely hero tale, although it does give audiences something that has been missing from the other movies of this year — an old-fashioned villain.
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It’s consistently funny, but it’s also shame that Bachelorette lets most of its characters off the hook too easily, especially after being such a tough-minded film at the opening.
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