j.j. abrams

[Rating: Swiss Fist] Streaming on Disney+ Friday, November 1 A toothless love fest that too often coasts on the goodwill of its eponymous subject, Music by John Williams is the best kind of “book report” documentary in the same way that a Big Mac is the best kind of “fast” food. Both are nostalgic, filling, […]

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Soarin’ high in the sky!

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Don’t for one second try to tell me that it is even in the same league of mediocrity as the prequel trilogy.

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Star Trek Beyond is easily the most bone-headed, silly, and action-packed of the rebooted franchise.

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The Force Awakens is an action film. It feels like Star Wars but it isn’t Star Wars.

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For months now, people online and off have been speculating, hoping, disavowing their interest in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. So with so much non-film related stuff swirling around J.J. Abrams latest installment of the Star Wars serial, how is one to offer any insightful critique of The Force Awakens?

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As a spectacle, as pure entertainment, The Force Awakens delivers. Its pace is near break-neck, but it rarely feels rushed. The climax manages to feel bigger-than-life and starkly intimate at the same time. And people will be talking about the movie’s big plot points for months.

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Abrams has grown into a confident cinematic storyteller, capable of setting high stakes, staging impossible situations, and having his characters get out of them, one after another, with a combination of exciting action and just enough of their intellect.

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The gang’s all here! Eric returns to talk Star Trek Into Darkness with Trevan and Trey. Is J.J. Abrams’ follow-up a worthy successor and contender for this summer’s box office crown? Or does it aim wide? And did Eric take any pictures of his vacation? The answers to all of these questions and more will be revealed.

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Star Trek Into Darkness outdoes the 2009 reboot in every way.

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With the success of this weekend’s low-budget found-footage superpower movie ‘Chronicle,’ we thought it would be fun to look back in the Scene-Stealers vault to four years ago when director Matt Reeves and producer J. J. Abrams hoisted ‘Cloverfield,’ a monster movie firmly rooted in the lo-fi-meets-CGI aesthetic, on the world.

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‘Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol’ succeeds in dishing up exactly what you would expect: State of the arts stunts, non-stop action, and a series of clearly laid-out heists and chases that go awry in all kinds of creative ways.

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The action sequences have defined the ‘Mission: Impossible’ series since it’s beginnings, and Brad Bird just knocks this film out of the park. Anyone who’s seen ‘The Incredibles’ knows that the world of superspys and bigger-than-life threats has long been adored by Bird, and that shows in nearly every aspect of the film.

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One could say that I was intrigued by the hype surrounding “Super 8” I enjoyed the J.J. Abrams’ reboot of the Star Trek franchise in 2009, and I was interested in what he might craft when he turned his creative energies to a kids’ adventure movie. Unfortunately Abrams took a page out his producer, Steven […]

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