‘Horizon Chapter 1’ is the product of a singular, confident vision that knows what it wants to be and pursues that end with a devil-may-care attitude.
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‘Horizon Chapter 1’ is the product of a singular, confident vision that knows what it wants to be and pursues that end with a devil-may-care attitude.
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The real-life story of a high-stakes poker organizer who got mixed up in a world of celebrities, Wall Street thugs, and mafia goons, Molly’s Game has a lot going for it, not to mention a few things going against.
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Director Robert Eggers’ The Witch opens in wide release this week, so it seems as good a time as any to get down to the serious business of ranking witches in film.
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Mr. Bacon’s time in Hollywood has been defined by humility, hard work, dedication to his craft, and a selfless commitment to every professional endeavor, big or small. As he worked the red carpet leading into Seattle’s historic Egyptian Theater, all of this professionalism and good-natured courtesy was on display.
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Costner is essentially playing the same over-the-hill, reluctant-but-badass gun-toting hero that Willis has been playing for years, and in 3 Days to Kill, he’s even saddled with something more challenging than killing bad guys with names like The Albino and The Wolf — keeping a teenage daughter out of trouble.
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As long as the subsequent films in the franchise avoid turning Ryan into a superhero and keep their plots at least somewhat rooted in reality, the Jack Ryan franchise may stand a fighting chance. At least they finally have the right actor.
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Man of Steel is like The Dark Knight trilogy drained of all its moral complexity and vibrant storytelling. What’s left is an oppressive movie filled with a blaring seriousness, inconsistent production design, mundane conflict, heavy exposition and a huge amount of super-destructive action that leads to nothing.
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Zach Snyder’s take on the most iconic hero in history is a bit of a mixed bag.
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