Movie Review

Here’s my video review of the “The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader” from KTKA-49. “The Chronicles of Narnia” franchise, based on C.S. Lewis’ Christian-themed fantasy series for young adults, has had a rough go of it. Part of that is due to the fact that Disney dropped out as a distribution partner […]

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I haven’t seen Jérôme Salle’s Anthony Zimmer, the original French film on which this American version is loosely based. What I can tell, however, is that The Tourist is the kind of enjoyable summer flick you don’t usually find in the midst of family holiday flicks and more dramatic Oscar fare. Johnny Depp stars as American […]

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Here’s my video review of the “Black Swan” from KTKA-49. Ballet is an incredibly demanding art form, both physically and mentally. In Darren Aronofsky’s “Black Swan,” Natalie Portman plays a tortured New York dancer who starts to come apart at the seams once she gets the lead role in Tchaikovsky’s “Swan Lake.” Like he did […]

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Here’s my video review of the “127 Hours” from KTKA-49. My full print review of “127 Hours” is here: Movie Review: 127 Hours Before seeing it earlier this week, I’d heard the advance hype on director Danny Boyle’s “127 Hours.” People are passing out in the theater because one particular scene in the movie is […]

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I went into “Love and Other Drugs” with mid-level expectations. I expected Anne Hathaway to be adorable, the script to often be pretty funny, and that the structure would more or less follow that of the typical romcom. All of this was fine by me; it seemed more or less right up my alley. However, […]

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Movie Review: 127 Hours

by Eric Melin on November 24, 2010

in Print Reviews

There are certain movies that become impossible to separate from your specific movie-going experience. “127 Hours” is such a movie for me. I had heard the advance hype on Danny Boyle’s dramatic and joyous “127 Hours” from the festival circuit: People are passing out in the theater because one particular scene in the movie is […]

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Here’s my video review of the “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1” from KTKA-49. With “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1,” we’re now seven movies and 10 years into the enormously popular film series about the boy wizard. But as J.K. Rowling’s books have progressed, so have their page counts. This […]

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Here’s my video review of the “The Next Three Days” from KTKA-49. In “Crash”—one of the worst Best Picture winners of all time—writer/director Paul Haggis serves up a ridiculous plot filled with convenient connections between multiple characters. The whole mess exists entirely as a platform for a really obvious and insulting sermon about race relations. […]

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Movie Review: Fair Game

by Alan Rapp on November 19, 2010

in Print Reviews

Although Fair Game has the dubious honor of sharing a title with a truly awful Cindy Crawford/William Baldwin flick, thankfully that’s all the two movies have in common. Based on the true story of Valerie Plame, Fair Game focuses on the consequences of one man standing up for what he believes in, a talented woman […]

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Sometimes, I suppose, some people just need to watch a nice movie where nice people end up in nice places, despite not nice situations. Hollywood knows this, and they know it well. They crank out these nice movies like a long, processed line of uninterrupted sausage, knowing it’ll find some sort of audience. It doesn’t […]

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Movie Review: Megamind

by Alan Rapp on November 5, 2010

in Print Reviews

“Our battles quickly got more elaborate. He would win some, I would almost win others! He took the name Metro Man, defender of Metro City. I decided to pick something a little more humble – Megamind, incredibly handsome criminal genius and master of all villainy!” What makes a hero? DreamWorks latest animated feature Megamind, scripted […]

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Here’s my video review of the Todd Phillips-directed comedy“Due Date” starring Zach Galifianakis and Robert Downey Jr. from KTKA-49. It takes a special kind of director to make Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifianakis not funny and apparently, Todd Phillips is that director. From Phillips—the man who brought us the runaway surprise summer hit “The […]

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Here’s my video review of the Clint Eastwood drama“Hereafter” starring Matt Damon from KTKA-49. Matt Damon is one of three characters across the globe who are touched by death in the maudlin drama “Hereafter.” Director Clint Eastwood weaves their stories together as they grapple with the possibility of an afterlife and how it affects them […]

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On-Camera Review: Red

by Eric Melin on October 15, 2010

in Video Reviews

Here’s my video review of the action comedy“Red” starring Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren, and John Malkovich from KTKA-49. Hollywood action movies, it seems, have come full circle. Back in the 1980s, shooting a never-ending stream of bad guys and cracking inappropriate one-liners was the exclusive domain of burly, muscle-bound tough guys like Sylvester […]

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Eric and Ian McFarland from DadsBigPlan review the newest in absurd and disgusting stunts captured on video, this time in 3D. It’s “Jackass 3D.”

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