Movie Review

The on-camera review with clips is here and the post about plot questions and the ending of “Inception” is here. A good fantasy film creates a wholly original world or concept convincingly. A good science-fiction film asks questions about our humanity while bending the laws of nature. “Inception” is all of this and more. In […]

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I was fortunate enough to be in New York City this past weekend, one of the few cities  showing “The Kids Are All Right” before its wider release later this month. I’ve been anticipating this film since I saw the trailer a few months ago during “Greenberg”. I jabbed whoever was sitting next to me and […]

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I kind of adore Nicolas Cage. My friends think he’s a terrible and unforgivably over-the-top actor, and I can’t totally disagree. But Cage has an ability, and I think he’s totally aware of this, to elevate a movie to a completely different mode of enjoyment that always pays off. I mean, I love this video […]

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This review is from ABC KTKA-49, where Eric’s reviews run every Friday night on the 6′ o clock news. His rating for “Despicable Me” — the Swiss Fist — stands for complete neutrality and is very rarely used; only in the most mediocre of circumstances. “Despicable Me” is the first computer-animated film from a new […]

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Adrien Brody becomes the latest commando to tangle with the mandible-mouthed interplanetary hunters in “Predators,” a series reboot courtesy of producer Robert Rodriguez and genre director Nimód Antal. “Predators” begins with promise. A group of hardened killers wake up in an undisclosed jungle, which turns out to be an alien game preserve the predators use […]

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With the exception of “Toy Story 3,” the last two months have produced some really underwhelming and mediocre summer movies. All that changes as “The Last Airbender” enters theaters this weekend. We now have the summer’s first bonafide stinker—a supposed fantasy adventure that has all the magic and mystery of a bologna sandwich. Adapted from […]

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64 million people a year suffer from insomnia and every so often I am one of them. But rather than use the extra time I’ve been given during a given insomniac episode to be productive, balance my checkbook, study for the LSAT or exercise, I instead fool myself into thinking the time isn’t my own […]

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Eric’s print review of this Tom Cruise-led action comedy can be found right here, but this video review with clips is from KTKA-49.

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Once it is established in “Knight and Day” that Tom Cruise is a super-spy who can kill 20 bad guys with one gun and safely land a jet airliner in the middle of a field while his unlikely girl-next-door partner (Cameron Diaz) can’t do anything but faint or get in the way, the joke gets […]

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Watch our on-camera review of “Toy Story 3” with clips. Print review: Explain the premise of the “Toy Story” series to a friend who’s never seen it (if you can find one) and you’re bound to completely miss out on what makes it special in the first place: “You see, all these toys come to […]

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Here is Eric’s on-camera review of “The A-Team,” which will be broadcast on KTKA-49‘s 6-o’clock news tonight. At the end of “The A-Team,” a huge supertanker is exploded and an aerial view makes the 100 or so enormous box cars strewn all over the port look like little Lego toys. And that’s essentially how this […]

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Liam Neeson leads an elite commando unit found guilty of a crime they didn’t commit in “The A-Team,” the testosterone-fueled reboot of the 80s television series of the same name. Writer/director Joe Carnahan wisely avoids a self-serious tone that would have made a movie about four living action figures unintentionally funny and instead fills “The […]

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In 1984, director John G. Avildsen and writer Robert Mark Kamen presented the world with a coming-of-age story about young high school student named Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio) who moved to California and learned karate from kindly handyman Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita). The Karate Kid was a hit and cultural touchstone for anyone who grew […]

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Here is the video of Eric’s review from tonight’s 6’o clock news on KTKA-49! The full print review of “Splice” is right here.

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Russell Brand reprises his role as rockstar caricature Aldous Snow in “Get Him to the Greek,” a listless comedy that only aspires to be funny enough to keep the audience’s attention. Written and directed by “Yes Man” writer Nicholas Stoller, “Get Him to the Greek” follows young A&R man Aaron Green (Jonah Hill) as he […]

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