Movie Review

[Rating: Minor Rock Fist Up]Steven Soderbergh‘s latest iPhone feature film, High Flying Bird, plays like Jerry Maguire on moprhine, as it goes behind the scenes into the high-tension world of professional basketball owner-player negotiations during a labor dispute. It’s a decent flick, if at times slow, that survives thanks to a decent script and a […]

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[Rating: Minor Rock Fist Up] The body-horror movie Piercing lives up to its name both figuratively and literally. It opens with one of the most shocking images one could think of—Reed, a father, holding an ice pick above his baby—and it’s a fair warning for what the viewer can expect from there. To fend off […]

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‘Cold War’ is a gorgeously shot, ill-fated yet passionate sweeping romance set against the harsh back drop of 1950s post-war Europe.

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‘Ben is Back’ is a tale of redemption, forgiveness and the unconditional love between a parent and a child.

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‘Hearts Beat Loud’ is a candid, sometimes hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking look at what it’s like to grow up as a young woman when you’ve lost your mother and your father hasn’t regained the emotional strength to move on.

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‘Incredibles 2’ sports inventive choreography, amazing animation detail, and stylish production design that beg to be seen on the big screen. It’s recycled main conflict is the only thing keeping it from being a stone-cold classic.

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[Rating: Minor “The Rock” Fist Down] At this point The Rock is like a virus, spreading through Hollywood remaking old properties in his image. Think Agent Smith in the Matrix Revolutions and you’re on the right track. In addition to his hostile takeover of the Fast and the Furious franchise, DJ has a remake of […]

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Ready Player One is packed with enough nostalgic, nerdgasm-enducing, magical pop culture goodies to forgive the uneven message and the one-dimensional, cliched characters.

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Tomb Raider’s action is pretty sweet and Alicia Vikander is great, but the script is so cliched and boring, it’s oddly disappointing even for a movie based on a video game.

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A Wrinkle in Time looks and feels more like a cheesy 80s network movie-of-the-week than it does a big-budget Hollywood movie.

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Annihilation is fun to look at and shows signs of promise early on, but once the shine wears off, it’s clear there’s no substance below the surface.

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Game Night is a fun, energetic and relentless comedy that defies all of its own cliches, establishing it as the first great comedy of 2018.

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Jack Black comes close to self-parody more than once, but there’s an inherent likability to his Lewan, and an enormous curiosity—knowing especially that it’s a true story—in seeing how far he can take it.

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‘Midnighters’ is decent flick with a few loose threads that keep it from being the tightly wound thriller it aspires to be.

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For my money The Post is the biggest waste of potential of the year and the new ultimate signifier of how much Spielberg has fallen as an artist. Never before has it been so obvious that his teeth have just dulled. This film make Ken Burns seem edgy and political, and this is the EXACT WRONG MOMENT TO BE DOING THAT.

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