As Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix) leaves his spotless, lonely high-rise Los Angeles apartment for work, he is surrounded by thousands of people doing the same thing—every one of them zoned into their own little bubble, talking to someone (or something) on devices that are networked into their home computers.
This week, Eric takes the week off for a spa visit, so Trevan and Trey enlist the help of Film School co-curator Erin Kennedy to talk about Her, August: Osage County and Lone Survivor. We’ve already talked about Her on last week’s best-of podcasts, but you’ll want to stick around for the Oscar fodder that is August: Osage County and […]
Joseph Gordon-Levitt writes, produces and stars in Don Jon, a new romantic comedy about a New Jersey meathead who falls the girl of his dreams and has to balance his new relationship with his massive porn addiction. It is indeed a love story for the modern era.
This week Eric, Trevan and Trey return to Middle-earth with Peter Jackson for a lengthy discussion of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey before moving on to Sacha Gervasi‘s take on Alfred Hitchcock in the appropriately titled film, Hitchcock. Is the return to The Shire and Rivendell worth your time? Is 48 Frames-per-Second filmmaking the downfall of […]
‘Hitchcock’ does a good job balancing the talented director’s obsession with the “Hitchcock blonde”, and Hitchcock’s growing insecurities with his wife’s possible affair and the increasing pressures of fully funding a film the studio has absolutely no confidence in distributing.
Wacthing ‘The Avengers’ is like watching director Joss Whedon play with really expensive action figures.
At least one of our film critics wasn’t as enthusiastic as many others have been about Marvel’s The Avengers so far. Watch the video to find out who…
‘The Avengers’ may be pure formula, but its formula done in a way that makes you remember why formulas were created in the first place: They were successful.
Two PG-rated family films have recently made their way to DVD and Blu-ray and they couldn’t be further apart.
Cameron Crowe has this special ability to take the formulaic cheesiness of a normal script and give it a sense of freshness, so that we are having a good time, even if we are knee-deep in cheese dip.
Oh boy. This week’s entry tackles Frank Miller’s hastily released and quickly forgotten take on Will Eisner’s pulp comic book “The Spirit.” Even in the fog of a late night, sleep-deprived viewing, it’s hard to see the litany of problems and the movie’s fast and loose style as interesting or likable. Hot off of the […]