The life of Mufasa is explored in this prequel.
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Mario and Luigi take an animated adventure that is a new level in video game movies.
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An excellent cast, led by Theron and Rogen, and top-notch writing make ‘Long Shot’ a sure thing.
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The Disaster Artist is essential viewing for fans of The Room, and a fun time for those that aren’t. It is an improbable success story that looks at one man’s dream, warts and all, and shows what blind ambition, bottomless pockets, and fearlessness can achieve.
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Sausage Party is yet another dumb stoner comedy from Rogen and his idiot friends. Don’t get me wrong. There’s nothing at all wrong with a good stoner animated comedy. We need these, I get it. But this feels like something these boys would have done years ago. Aren’t they past this phase in their careers yet?
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Now that it’s out on Blu-ray, ‘Steve Jobs’ can be seen and appreciated by a wider audience for the engaging biopic that it is.
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Aaron Sorkin returns to Silicon Valley this time with director Danny Boyle for Steve Jobs, a movie that is less a biopic and more a collection of three one-act plays that are less concerned with the man and more concerned with perpetuating the legend of the magnetic, charismatic, dreamer who founded Apple and revolutionized computing.
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Today we celebrate every toker, smoker, and joker who ever had the mantle of responsibility thrust upon them in film, and rank them based on the success they experienced navigating their various situations.
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This week sees the wide release of director Clint Eastwood’s newest film, American Sniper, which concerns itself with the story of real-life U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle. Hollywood has showcased the Navy’s premiere Special Forces squad in dozens of films throughout the years, yet a few portrayals have stood out as particularly memorable. Today’s list is a celebration of the movies that took the time to feature Navy SEALS in a badass fashion.
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We’re back this week with guest host Aaron Weber from Trevan reviews Neighbors and Trey hits Only Lovers Left Alive. Then all three go into a discussion about comic book movies, the future of summer film, the inherent terribleness of Zach Snyder and much, much more. It’s a loose, chatty podcast. We hope you like it. […]
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Everything you need to know about Neighbors, the new comedy co-produced and starring Seth Rogen, along with a supporting cast that includes Rose Byrne, Dave Franco and Zac Efron, is in the trailer. A happy couple with a newborn settles into suburban life until a frat house moves in next door and all hell breaks loose. […]
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As someone who felt sentenced to high school, the series reminds me of why I hated it and how my decision making wasn’t that great back then. I won’t say that you’ll see yourself in Freaks and Geeks because everyone’s high school experience is different. Instead, I’ll say the world in the series is consistently dynamic and believable as 1980 Detroit.
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