steven spielberg

[Rating: Swiss Fist] Streaming on Disney+ Friday, November 1 A toothless love fest that too often coasts on the goodwill of its eponymous subject, Music by John Williams is the best kind of “book report” documentary in the same way that a Big Mac is the best kind of “fast” food. Both are nostalgic, filling, […]

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Steven Spielberg finally tells his story in the family drama “The Fabelmans.”

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Oscar nominations included interesting contenders and more than a few head-scratchers even the most seasoned minds at Scene-Stealers can’t quite explain.

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Spielberg’s reimagining of a classic is a flat-out masterpiece.

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Ready Player One is packed with enough nostalgic, nerdgasm-enducing, magical pop culture goodies to forgive the uneven message and the one-dimensional, cliched characters.

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There’s no doubt that the free press plays an essential role in a democracy, and the timeliness of this picture can’t be disputed. It’s just too bad Spielberg doesn’t trust his audience enough to let them come to those conclusions on their own.

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For my money The Post is the biggest waste of potential of the year and the new ultimate signifier of how much Spielberg has fallen as an artist. Never before has it been so obvious that his teeth have just dulled. This film make Ken Burns seem edgy and political, and this is the EXACT WRONG MOMENT TO BE DOING THAT.

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Spielberg’s newest feature champions freedom of the press at a time when we need it the most.

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The right movie for the right moment directed by the right man at the wrong time, The Post has a lot of interesting things to say, yet often gets in the way of itself when trying to say them.

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Jurassic World is a bad impression of a Spielberg film. It rips off all of the bombast, but manages to capture none of the likability of the first one, instead resorting to basic fan service and overt nods to the original. Maybe worst of all, Jurassic World is stupid.

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Post image for Top 10 Coming-of-Age Movies

Top 10 Coming-of-Age Movies

by Trey Hock on August 20, 2013

in Top 10s

Prepare for The Spectacular Now by brushing up on your coming-of-age films. Here are Trey’s Top 10 Coming-of-Age Movies. What’s your Top 10? Leave your list in the comments.

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Unexpected: Ben Affleck, Tom Hooper, Quentin Tarantino, and Kathryn Bigelow snubbed in Director in favor of Benh Zeitlin and Michael Haneke.

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It can be argued that his most mainstream work represents either his best or worst tendencies, but going back through Spielberg films from the 1970s on, I found that two of Spielberg’s best pictures were the ones that were ignored or misunderstood by mainstream audiences. The rest were pretty much hits, although not all are as adored as some that didn’t make my list.

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There are more than a couple extraordinary things about ‘Lincoln.’ Especially in today’s frustratingly gridlocked political environment, it is timelier than ever.

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Steven Spielberg’s newest holiday Oscar-bait project, Lincoln, suffers under the burden of its own ambitious pretensions, for what it offers up in the acting department is often sabotaged by jagged pacing, uneven story-telling, and a redundant message.

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